RBI Monetary Policy Analysis

Monetary Policy Statement, 2023-24 Resolution of the MPC (Feb 6-8, 2024): Key Points

Policy Rates:

  • Repo rate maintained at 6.5%, as expected by most economists.

  • Accommodative stance remains unchanged at "withdrawal of accommodation".

Inflation & Growth:

  • CPI inflation projected at 5.4% for 2023-24, revised slightly upwards from 5.3%.

  • GDP growth forecast at 6.4% for 2023-24, unchanged from previous projection.

  • Inflation for 2024-25 projected at 4.5%, assuming a normal monsoon.

Other Key Points:

  • MPC emphasized commitment to achieving an inflation target of 4% within a band of +/- 2%.

  • Tight liquidity stance to be maintained to ensure effective transmission of past rate hikes.

  • Banks urged to communicate loan rates transparently, including all charges and fees.


  • The MPC adopted a wait-and-watch approach, keeping rates unchanged given the balanced growth and inflation outlook.

  • Future rate actions will depend on evolving economic conditions and inflation trajectory.

Comparison of the Last 12 Monetary Policies in Excel

Here's an Excel table comparing the last 12 monetary policies with the February 2024 resolution:

Last updated